Never settle…!! While you learn to walk you stumble many times right? You fall, you get rashes and wounds but at last, you start walking. Same happens when you learn to ride a bicycle, bike and many such things or skills. Why don’t we stay satisfied with walking? Why we further learn to ride a bicycle or bike? It is because we can never settle. Just observe or try to remember, which turns out to be a great...
Tag - Motivations
Be a candle..! What does this really mean? Or what it is to be a candle? To know what being a candle is, please read our earlier blog post Life is a journey from Ice Cream to Candle. We duly recommend you to have a look at it once. Now we consider that you have read it and are ready to understand this blog post further. So now you know what being a candle is. Let’s now see why be a candle? Being a candle gives...
What is Healing? Healing means “the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again“. It is getting back to normal physical or mental state or functioning from an abnormal physical or mental state or functioning. Most of the time healing comes with the cure from medicines and therapies. But healing also involves mental stability and inner self-beliefs and thoughts to be balanced or favorable. Many times due...
Types of people in your life We as a human being are considered as a social animal. We need people to talk, to share knowledge and to get connected with them emotionally or mentally. We like being socially known and praised. Due to this, we interact with many people in our day to day life and many people become part of our lives in a unique way. It thus becomes due important for us to understand the roles of these...
How to deal with problems? What is a Problem? We face problems every day and are always trying to avoid them or run away from them. As per the wiki definition “A problem is a situation preventing something from being achieved. The word comes from a Greek word meaning an “obstacle” (something that is in your way). Someone who has a problem must find a way of solving it. The means of solving a problem...