head hand heart

Three H’s of Healthy Life

Three H’s of Healthy Life: Head, Heart, and Hands   Everyone desire of having a good and healthy life. A life where the mind is at peace and you are feeling satisfied. Let us see today how we can try to achieve such life. So for achieving a healthy life, we thought of three Hs viz., the Head, the Heart and the Hands that can be assisting us.   The Head     Here the HEAD we mean our vision, our...

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PLAY like a CHAMPION, TRAIN Like an UNDERDOG!   When a champion play he/she plays like they are in control of all aspects of the game. They play to only to win. They know when and what to do. When an underdog practices he/she practices it with their full soul and body. They practice very hard as they know nothing and they have nothing to lose or be egoistic of and leave the practice.   That is why when we play we...

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Life is a segment from B to D

Life is a segment from B to D   Life is a segment from B to D, i.e., from Birth to Death.   Isn’t that true? Our life is a continuous journey from Birth to Death. From the time we are born, each and every moment that we live after that drives us closure to our death, yet we fear death and doesn’t accept it as a reality. But, when we say “Life is a segment from B to D“, aren’t we missing something...

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Does GOD exist?

Does GOD exist?   Does GOD exist? A million dollar question with no satisfying answer, isn’t it? Well, here we will try to put some points in an attempt to answer the question. As per our understanding and belief, God does exist but not in the form we believe. It exists in the form of cosmic power with no determined shape, structure or form. Solid, Liquid or gas or any other physical states humans ever knew or will...

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Decision making

How to make the right decisions?

How to make the right decisions?   A decision is a choice that we make about something after thinking or considering several possibilities. Decisions are sometimes very small choices made and do not have much impact on our lives. But some decisions are very hard to make and have a great impact on our lives. When we look back on our life we see it as a consequence of the decisions that we have made in various situations...

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