Everyone has the primary need to be a good person in their own eyes. They want to believe what they are doing or what they are attempting to do for the good.
And for that, I have asked this question myself numerous times “What makes a good person good?”.
With my own thoughts and wisdom, I think I can say that there is no single answer for the same.
It is the everyday choices that a person makes define and decides if he or she is a good person or not.
As a result of some choices, he or she may be a good person but as a result of some choices, he or she may not be good.
Here comes the most important question:
Good or not good according to who?

The answer to this is in the very first sentence of this post “Everyone has the primary need to be a good person in their own eyes.”
Everyone has their own thought process and beliefs and we cannot be good or not good according to everyone. So what matters the most is what are we in our own eyes? How are our actions and their results being evaluated by ourselves?
So before even beginning to ask “What makes a good person good?” define first that it should be good or not good in their own eyes.
How do you define if you are a good person or not?

You can only decide if you are a good person or not by analyzing the circumstances in which you have taken that decision or made that choice or performed that action.
If it was the best possible thing that you can do in those circumstances and you did it, then it’s something that should be good.
Even if sometimes that choice or that action later turns out to be a failure you should accept it and should not blame yourself for not being smart or for not being wise enough to see it that time.
Because if you could have seen it at that time you would have never made that choice but due to the circumstances and the knowledge that you had at that time it was the best possible thing that you could have done and you did it.
Nothing can change it now so just accept the outcome, take it as a learning, and proceed to the next choice or action.
Also, being good is the road of fools sometimes as it may cost you. But the good deeds with your good intentions always come back to you.
As stated earlier, defining good can be different for each person. So, you have to self-analyze what exactly you feel when you see poverty, the human in difficulties, poor life patches, family crises, etc.
If you feel sad or you would like to help then you can consider it a sign of a good person. But it is just one part of it as feeling it and working on those good deeds are two different things.
It is very hard to take steps, continue to work with good intentions,s and keep getting hurt or blamed or cursed in the process. It takes time for the good things to work, but have patience because once it works, it will give you immense pleasure and satisfaction. And it will not be temporary.
So don’t stop. What makes us a better person is our good thoughts and deeds toward those thoughts!!
Why is being good so hard?
Being good is hard because a good person is always on the giving end when it comes to helping, things and support. And he or she is always on the receiving end when it comes to frustrations and blame.
But this is what the biggest and toughest choice is for a good person: To continue to be good or to stop.
If you ask me, both the choices are fine but the best possible choice is to continue to be good. When you choose to continue to be good no matter what, it shows how much fire you have within and how really good you want to do.
But even if you choose to stop and take a break it’s completely fine because you and only you know your circumstances and if you choose to stop for a bit then it’s the best possible thing that you could know to do in this situation.
Another thing to remember with these choices (To continue to be good or to stop) is that no single person on this earth ever had and can ever be good or not good all the time. At some point in time, you will choose to stop and take a break and at some point, you will choose to continue to be good.
What really matters is whenever such a choice arrives in your life, you should not just think about the action or the result but should also think about the circumstances.
All this is only and only as per my own thoughts and wisdom that I might have due to my life experiences. You might have different opinions but if you are questioning yourself in this manner then you are on the path to self-awareness and life exploration.