Having a positive attitude is the key to being happy and leading a successful life, our thoughts play a huge role in how we feel and positive thinking leads to a confident person being happy in life, while negativity leads to low self-esteem and you missing out on so much in life.
We so often talk ourselves out of things without even realising we are doing so, every day hundreds of negative thoughts drift freely through our minds, we put ourselves down too much and sow the seeds of doubt.
There is a small simple tool that you can use throughout the day to help to change these negative thoughts and instil a more positive way of thinking; using daily positive affirmations can change your life drastically for the better.
They can make you more confident, more aware, and more sure of yourself and change your life in many more aspects for the better.
What are positive affirmations?

Positive affirmations can be used throughout the day anywhere and at any time you need them, the more you use them the easier positive thoughts will take over negative ones and you will see benefits happening in your life.
An affirmation is a simple technique that is used to change negative self-talk that we are rarely even aware of doing, into looking at your life with a more positive attitude.
Most of us have for many years bombarded ourselves with negative thoughts so changing your thoughts and the way you think won’t happen overnight but if you stick with affirmations they will work once you have retrained your way of thinking.
There are many different affirmation techniques for dealing with different situations in life and the most popular and successful are listed below.
The mirror technique

This technique helps you to appreciate yourself and develop self-awareness and self-esteem.
You should stand in front of a mirror, preferably a full-length one in either just your underwear or better still naked.
Start at your head and working down your body say out loud what it is you like about areas of your body, for example, you could say “I like the way my hair shines, the slight differences in colour where the light hits it” or “ my eyes are a lovely shade of _ _ _ _. They sparkle and glint; my eyes are a wonderful feature” take the time and go slowly over all your body building up a more positive image of yourself.
The anywhere technique

This technique can be used anywhere and whenever you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, when you realize you are having a negative thought think of yourself turning down a volume knob inside your head so that you turn it down low enough so as not to hear it any longer.
Then think of a positive affirmations to replace the negative and turn the volume back up repeating it to yourself.
The trashcan technique
If you have negative thoughts write them down on a scrap of paper, screw the paper up into a ball and throw it into the trashcan, by doing this you are telling yourself these thoughts are nothing but rubbish and that’s where they belong.
The meditation technique
Find somewhere quiet where you are able to relax for 5 or 10 minutes close your eyes and let your mind empty of all thoughts and feelings. Begin to repeat your affirmation to yourself over and over again while concentrating on the words you are repeating and believing in what you are saying.
These are just a few of the many techniques that one can follow to use positive affirmations for changing your mindset and life. I hope this post will help you. Practise positive affirmations in your life and share the outcomes with us. We will be happy to see you grow…