
Life changing questions

Life changing questions   Life is precious and we are really very fortunate to have this wonderful life. But for many people, if given a choice, they will like to change the lifestyle they are currently following or having. Only a few people love their life and the lifestyle they have. Today many people just exist and don’t love their life. They have excuses for their current lifestyle. These excuses are...

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How rich you are?

How rich you are? Being rich is everyone’s dream. Many interpret richness in a financial manner and thus try to accommodate money and wealth. People think being rich is the key to happiness and satisfaction, which is not at all true. Here is a quote from Jim Carrey (Canadian-American actor, comedian, impressionist, screenwriter, musician, producer, and painter) which states the unworthiness of richness: “I think...

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Does LUCK play an important role in SUCCESS?

Does LUCK play an important role in SUCCESS?   What is a success? What is a success for you? Achievement? Satisfaction? Fame? Followers? What is your definition of success? Each and every one of you will have your own definition or meaning of success. You have your own path and own perception towards success. Let us see what success is in reality? First of all, success is not achievement. Achievement is a one-time...

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The most elastic thing in the human world: Time

The most elastic thing in the human world: Time   Never thought of time in this way? Hopefully, after reading this post you will have a new view towards time. What is time? Time is defined in the wiki as “Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.” Time is something that we use to measure...

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How to approach your goal?

How to approach your goal?   What is a goal or aim or dream?   A goal or aim or dream (hereafter collectively termed as the goal) is something that a person desires to achieve for emotional or physical pleasure. A goal can be materialistic, positional achievement or gains, emotional state or certain other desired fulfillment. A person may have one or more goals in his/her life. The person thus plans his/her actions...

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