
Who is your Best Friend?

Friends or rather best friends are very close to us. We always want them with us and we have very fond memories of them. We cherish spending time with them and we are our own selves with them. In this post, you will find your best friend, and not just a best friend but a best friend forever. This best friend will not only be with you in each and every situation but will help you fight through it and give you all...

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7 food to maintain good mental health

Mental health, the health for well being of our mind which we mostly rather always ignore. We have already discussed briefly what is mental health or why is it important for us, in our other post “Menta health” about this. Here we are going to focus on some actions or habits that we need to perform that will serve as good food for our mental health. And we all know one of the best ways to take care of our...

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mental health

Mental health

Health. Whenever you hear, read or write this word the things that come to your mind are the gym, yoga, jogging, etc, etc. All related to physical health. No one and I mean it no one of you must be thinking of your mind or your emotions whenever you come across the word HEALTH. Because we do not think that our mind needs care, it needs nourishing or it needs exercise. We ignore to accept that it too can have...

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happy people


Laughing out loud, rolf, hahaha, hehe, smiling, jumping out of joy, etc, etc…. These are the normal expressions of happiness that we know. But does this mean that the person expressing these gestures is really happy? Sometimes yes but SOMETIMES NO. Sometimes people just pretend to be happy while they are not happy at all. Also, are these the only ways or expressions through which happiness can be...

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