
How to become fluent in speaking any new language?

How to become fluent in speaking ANY new language?   Learning a new language? Or thinking of learning a new language? Or you tried learning a new language but failed or gave up? If your answer is yes for any of these questions then you are in the right place. Most of us need to learn one or more languages (other than their mother tongue) in our lifespan. The need may be for schooling purpose, business requirement or some...

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The GOOD Pain

The GOOD Pain   You must be thinking how can pain be good right? Well, I guarantee you that after you finish reading this post, you too will certainly feel that the pain we are talking about is really good and how it is beneficial for you. What is Pain? Pain as per wiki is “Pain is a distressing feeling often caused by intense or damaging stimuli.“ Pain is caused both physically and mentally. No one likes to...

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Only Two real Directions

Only Two real Directions   As per wiki, a direction is “a course along which someone or something moves.“ From childhood, we have been taught that there are four major directions, viz., North, South, East, and West. Whenever someone asks us about directions, we use one of these known directions to answer them. But what if I tell you that you are being fooled or being taught wrong about directions? Yes. There...

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The focus is not the answer

The focus is not the answer   Distraction is an evergreen obstacle for us. What you do when you get distracted from your work or study or whatever you want to do? Different people have different ways and strategies to deal with distraction but all aim towards one goal and that is to achieve focus in your task that you want to do. You think the focus is the answer to distraction. Whenever you get distracted you try to be...

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Life changing questions

Life changing questions   Life is precious and we are really very fortunate to have this wonderful life. But for many people, if given a choice, they will like to change the lifestyle they are currently following or having. Only a few people love their life and the lifestyle they have. Today many people just exist and don’t love their life. They have excuses for their current lifestyle. These excuses are...

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