Comments on: The GOOD Pain Sound of Silence Mon, 10 Dec 2018 17:32:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Silent Motivator Mon, 10 Dec 2018 17:32:39 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.


First of all, I would like to appreciate and congratulate you to be so brave to share this story of your life with us.
I certainly agree with you that all the pain in the world can be transformed into the good pain.
The post here just descries the difference between the good pain and leaves the choice up to you on execution of good pain of suffering of bad pain in future.
Thank you for your time and efforts in writing this comment and sharing this incident with us.

We are really glad that you were able to successfully transform your pain into a motivation.

Again thank you so much..!!

This encourages us readers and us too.

By: Anonymous Thu, 06 Dec 2018 23:53:28 +0000 I agree with the article but let me say that all pain can be turned into good pain. The most painful things ever experienced can drive you to places that you’ll never have achieved before. And this is including how you put it the “pain that kills us”. Let me give an example of me because everyones different. One of my best friends died in my arms. I performed CPR on him while another friend called 911. I won’t get too much into the story or the back story but long story short the medics couldn’t save him. I knew but my friends didn’t and when we went to the hospital they broke the news to us. The mom hated us and said we’re not allowed to visit his urn or she’ll call the cops. Next week I was in EMT class. I told myself I’d be better than those medics. I became a medic and was top of the class every time because I turned my greatest pain into my greatest achievement. Hindsight I know how hard it is to bring someone back to life. But this is what still drives me to keep studying. This is a bad pain used and turned into motivation for me and I recycle it for extra motivation whenever I need it.
