In life, our direction is channelized by the day-to-day habits that we possess. We should have our own set of rules and disciplines that we follow in order to walk on the path that we intend to. Some call these ethics; some call these values. Whatsoever you call it but it helps you to live a better and more meaningful life. If we observe successful people closely, we will be able to observe some common behaviors in them...
Tag - must read
Today we are going to see in this article three unique life lessons that might change your life forever. These lessons are not big mental or physical changes that you have to adapt or perform but are small redirections and you will see a huge positive impact on your life because of this. These impactful and unique life lessons have made my life more meaningful and blissful and that is what I would like to share with you...
The most heated invention of our current generation is social media. Is social media useful? Is it causing emotional distancing within family and friends? The amount of anxiety and resulting depression that social media is bringing and what not. Social media has been a curse and blessing to all of us for various obvious reasons. But in this post, I am not going to talk about any of those things. In this post, I am...
This post is based on the best seller book The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. Here, we will try to put forth what this book contains and why it is a must read suggestion from us.
Yes, you should stop apologizing. Apologizing is seen as a sign of good manners by our society...