pause in everyday life

Pause in everyday life

We live a life of continuous run, without any pause. We run for work, we run from work, we are always in a hurry and we are always occupied with something. We don’t give time to heal or to rest or take a pause and relax for a while and this exhausts our mind and body. We are humans and not machines and we need some break, some pause from the everyday run if we want to keep our health in a good state. And...

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8 steps to a healthier you

8 steps to a healthier you

Health plays a very important role in our overall well-being. But maintaining good health and keeping ourselves healthy is a continuous struggle for many. We think maintaining good health is very difficult and requires a lot of time and effort. But the truth is the opposite of this. Maintaining good health only requires attention and care. So, here in this post, we will try to provide you will 8 steps following...

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self-care self-love

Debunking Self-care Myths

Self-care is very confusing and is always misunderstood. And it is not surprising that there are many myths and misconceptions about self-care that cause us to run away from it. Self-care is surrounded by ambiguities and here in this post, we will try to deal with some of them. I myself have very often got confused between self-care and being selfish and thus have always treated myself the worst. I have...

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Selfish or self-love?

Being selfish or it is an act of self-love? This is what I have been confused about for a very very very long time in my life. Let me talk about this through my own perspective. This post is very close to me and I have written it with all my heart. I come from a family where sacrificing your happiness for the sake of others is taught and is considered as a sign of a good person. And who doesn’t want to be...

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