We all are different. Each and every one of us is unique and different from each other. You are original and original has value. Enjoy being yourself.
Category - Self Awareness
Our Self awareness blogs helps you to know more about you in a way that is never thought of. These blogs helps you to know yourself more and have better understanding about yourself.
Being selfish or it is an act of self-love? This is what I have been confused about for a very very very long time in my life. Let me talk about this through my own perspective. This post is very close to me and I have written it with all my heart. I come from a family where sacrificing your happiness for the sake of others is taught and is considered as a sign of a good person. And who doesn’t want to be...
What is your worth? Are you worth achieving something or nothing? Have you ever thought of what are your abilities, capabilities, and strengths? And if yes, have you ever questioned yourself if you are at the right place based on your own worth analysis? For me the answer is yes and that is the reason I am writing this post and running this blog. When I thought of my worth I became aware that I am much more...
The disease that I am going to talk about in this post is the disease that each and every one of us is affected by it. What or which is the disease?
This post is based on the best seller book The Power of your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. Here, we will try to put forth what this book contains and why it is a must read suggestion from us.